Sunday, 28 June 2009


I have created the following work as an aid to the magician - Liber S.U.A.T. shows some of the magical 'entities' connected to Thelema and the Great Work of the Prophet of the Aeon of Horus; it also assists in the organisation of Feast Days and other 'celebrations'.
My apologies for those 'stars' not mentioned who undoubtedly are also worthy - the list is endless and not fixed. Therefore, the work can be extended to each brother and sister's preference, and their own names and attainments added etc.
It is the bones on which to hang the robe of one's own Magick Light!



Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Very Illustrious and Illuminated Brethren! Before the Lord, our Father, the Sun, we Honour those who have gone before us; those who have delighted in the Joy and the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel, and those who have crossed the Abyss to reside in the City of the Pyramids, in the Night of Pan. We celebrate the lives and especially the works of these Great Lights of our Law of Liberty and Love; to Feast at their remembrance and to Honour those Great Ones who by their Devotion, Dedication and Strength have established the Law of Thelema upon Earth and assisted in the Sacred Work of the Prophet – the Priest of the Princes: Ankh-f-n-Khonsu, our Greatly
Honoured and Most Holy (who didst attain in the spring of the year 1921 e.v. the grade of Ipsissimus 10 = 1 )

To Mega Therion: The Beast 666; Magus 9 = 2 A . A . on 12th October 1915 e.v. who is the Word of the Aeon THELEMA; whose name is called Vi Veri Universum Vivus Vici (V.V.V.V.V.) 8 = 3 A . A . in the City of the Pyramids on 3rd December 1909 e.v. OU MH 7 = 4 A . A . in 1909 e.v. OL SONUF VAORESAGI 6 = 5 A . A . in April 1904 e.v. and Christeos Luciftias 5 = 6 A . A . on 16th January 1900 e.v. in the Mountain of Abiegnus: but FRATER PERDURABO in the Outer Order on 18th November 1898 e.v. and in the world of men upon the Earth, Aleister Crowley, who entered the world on 12th October 1875 e.v. of Trinity College, Cambridge, who celebrated His Greater Feast on 1st December 1947 e.v. and thus also shall He be known as

The O.H.O.

And the Secret Master. Rex Summus Sanctissimus X O.T.O. of Ireland, Iona and all the Britains that are in the Sanctuary of the Gnosis, Lieutenant Commander of the Holy Order of the Temple unto the Very Illustrious Sir Knights Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the Ancient and Accepted Rite and of the 95 of the Royal Rite of Memphis, Perfectly Illuminated of our sublime IX .

1. CCCXVI=316. Taking the initial letters SUAT which add to 316 we receive ‘to worship’ and ‘to bow down’.
2. Sub Umbra Alarum Tuarum (Latin) ‘under the shadow of thy wings’.

Flowers and fruits I bring to bless you,
Cakes of corn, and wealth of wine;
With my crown will I caress you,
With my music make you mine.
Though I perish, I preserve you;
Through my fall, ye rise above;
Ruling you, your priest, I serve you,
Being life, and being love.

‘The Ship’ – Saint Edward Aleister Crowley 33 , 90 , 96 , X .

and let us remember

Greatly Honoured Brother, Charles Henry Allan Bennett 1872-1923 e.v.
A member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn since 1894 e.v. and
Greatly Honoured Friend and Teacher of our Prophet!
His Buddhist name is Bhikku Ananda Metteya.

Frater D.D.S.
Greatly Honoured Brother, George Cecil Jones.
He introduced our Prophet to the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and
In 1906 e.v. founded the A . A . with our beloved Prophet the Beast 666
and became Praemonstrator.

‘S Rhiogail Mo Dhream (S.R.M.D.)
Greatly Honoured Brother, Samual Liddell ‘MacGregor’ Mathers
8th January 1854-1918 e.v.
Cofounder and Head of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.

LAMPADA TRADAM 2 = 9 A .. A .. & VI O.T.O.
Greatly Honoured Brother, Victor Benjamin Neuburg 6th May 1883-30th May 1940 e..v.
Of Trinity College, Cambridge. He became a Neophyte in 1909 e.v. after His Great Magical Retirement with the Prophet at Boleskine House, and is remembered for His works with the Prophet: Liber CCCXXV ‘The Bartzabel Working’ of 1910 e.v. Liber CDXV, Opus Lutertianum (The Paris Working) of 1914 e.v. and Liber CDXVIII The Vision and the Voice. Also for His work in The Rites of Eleusis at Caxton Hall, London in 1910 e.v.

Greatly Honoured Brother, Norman Mudd M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge.
1889-1934 e.v.
Mathematician and Lecturer on Mathematics at Grays University, Bloemfontein, South Africa. He arrived at the Prophet’s Abbey of Thelema on 22nd April 1923 e.v. and on the Beast’s expulsion on 1st May 1923 e.v. O.P.V. was left to continue the Great Work there. His work done His light was extinguished and He took His own life on 15th June 1934 e.v. at Guernsey where His Earthly remains rest in plot No. 8, grave No. 1, New Cemetery, Forest.

Greatly Honoured Sister, Rose Edith Crowley (nee Kelly) 23rd July 1874-1932 e.v.
She became the Bride of the Prophet on 12th August 1903 e.v. at Dingwall in Scotland.
She was instrumental in the Cairo Working of 1904 e.v. whereby was delivered The Book of the Law unto our Prophet on April 8, 9 & 10th. She was thus given the office of the first Scarlet Woman. They were divorced in 1909 e.v.

The Ape of Thoth
Greatly Honoured Sister, Leah Hirsig 9th April 1883-22nd February 1975 e.v.
She became Scarlet Woman number seven and helped our Prophet found the Abbey of Thelema in the spring of 1921 e.v. She also witnessed and assisted the Beast in His acceptance of the grade of Ipsissimus 10 = 1 .

PARSIVAL 5 = 6 & IX O.T.O.
Greatly Honoured Brother, Charles Stansfeld Jones 2nd April 1886-1950 e.v.
He became a Probationer of the A . A . on 24th December 1909 e.v. taking the motto VIO. As a Neophyte He took the name ACHAD. He was the Magical Child between the Prophet and Soror Hilarion when ACHAD was born as a Babe of the Abyss – He is the Child predicted in The Book of the Law I. 55-56 who verily discovered the ‘key of it All’.

LAYLAH 4 = 7 A . A . & Grand Secretary General IX O.T.O.
Greatly Honoured Sister, Leila Ida Nerrissa Waddell (nee Bathurst) 10th August 1880-13th September 1932 e.v. She became a Probationer of the A . A . on 1st April 1910 e.v. as Sister Agatha and was a founding member of The Rites of Eleusis.

Greatly Honoured Brother, Frederick Charles ‘Raoul’ Loveday 13th July 1900-16th February 1923 e.v. of St John’s College, Oxford. He arrived at The Abbey of Thelema on 26th November 1922 e.v. with His wife Betty May. His Greater Feast took place at The Abbey of Thelema.

Greatly Honoured Brother, John Frederick Charles Fuller CB. CBE. DSO.
1st September 1878-10th February 1966 e.v.
He is chiefly remember for His critical study of the Prophet’s collected works – ‘A Star in the West’ of 1907 e.v. and for His work on The Equinox.

Frater 176
Greatly Honoured Brother, Sir Frank Bennett VII O.T.O.
1868-23rd November 1930.
He became a Neophyte of A . A . on 25th February 1919 e.v. and arrived at The Abbey of Thelema on 17th July 1921 e.v. and thus received the grades of Zelator on 22nd July 1921 e.v. Practicus on 9th October 1921 e.v. Philosophus on 13th October 1921 e.v. Dominus Liminis on 15th October 1921 e.v. & Adeptus Minor on 23rd October 1921 e.v.

Greatly Honoured Brother, Theodor Reuss 28th June 1855-28th October 1923 e.v.
Founder and Grand Master of The O.T.O. and its O.H.O. – The Supreme and Holy King of Germany until 1922 e.v. when the Prophet became O.H.O. He helped the Prophet realise the Supreme Secret of The O.T.O. and therefore admitted the Prophet to the IX .

Greatly Honoured Brother, Karl Johannes Germer 22nd January 1885-25th October 1962 e.v. He became an Adeptus Minor 5 = 6 in1927 e.v. and 8 = 3 in 1938 e.v. He became the Prophet’s successor as O.H.O. of The O.T.O. 1947-1962 e.v. He is also the Rich Man from the West as predicted in The Book of the Law.

Greatly Honoured Sister, Mary d’Este Sturges (nee Dempsey).
She became the second Scarlet Woman and was instrumental in Liber LX The Ab-ul-Diz Working of 1911 e.v. and thus helped with Book 4.

Greatly Honoured Sister, Jean Robert Foster (nee Olivier).
She became the third Scarlet Woman and bore the ‘Child’ (ACHAD) referred to in The Book of the Law.

The Camel
Greatly Honoured Sister, Roddie Minor.
She became the fourth Scarlet Woman and was instrumental in the Amalantrah Working of 14th January 1918 e.v.

Greatly Honoured Sister, Jane Wolfe 21st March 1875-29th March 1958 e.v.
She was admitted as a Probationer of the A . A . by the Prophet at The Abbey of Thelema on 11th June 1921 e.v. She later helped found the AGAPE Lodge of The O.T.O. in South California where She became Lodge Master.

Greatly Honoured Sister, Phyllis Evalina Seckler 18th June 1917-31st May 2004 e.v.
She took the aspirational name TENAX PROPOSTI and was admitted as a Probationer of the A .. A .. by Jane Wolfe on 3rd June 1940 e.v. and later attained The Knowledge and Conversation of Her Holy Guardian Angel on 1st July 1952 e.v. with the grade of Adeptus Minor 5 = 6 . She became the Master of 418 Lodge of The O.T.O. from its inception in 1979-2004 e.v. and was also the founder of The College of Thelema and co-founder of The Temple of Thelema in North California.

Greatly Honoured Sister, Mary Francis Butts 13th December 1890-1937 e.v.
For Her assistance in Book 4.

Greatly Honoured Sister, Dorothy Olsen.
She became the eighth Scarlet Woman in 1924 e.v.

Frater 143
Greatly Honoured Brother, Cecil Frederick Russell.
In June 1918 e.v. He received IX & XI from the Prophet in New York City. He arrived at The Abbey of Thelema on 21st November 1920 e.v. and was initiated into the A . A . on 11th May 1921 e.v. by the Prophet Himself.

Greatly Honoured Brother, Grady Louis McMurtry 18th October 1918-12th July 1985 e.v.
A member of The O.T.O. from 1971 e.v. The Propher Himself gave Him the name HYMENAEUS ALPHA in November 1943 e.v.

Frater 210
Greatly Honoured Brother, Marvel ‘John’ Whiteside Parsons 2nd October 1914-17th June 1952 e.v. He was initiated into The O.T.O. on 15th February 1941 e.v. and He was initiated into the A . A . by Jane Wolfe on 15th April 1942 e.v. and He is chiefly remembered for The Babalon Working of 1946 e.v.

Greatly Honoured Sister, Helen Parsons Smith 1910- 27th July 2003 e.v.
She was initiated into The O.T.O. on 15th February 1941 e.v. and the A . A . on the same day as Soror Grimaud.

There are rituals of the elements and feasts of the times.
A feast for the first night of the Prophet and his Bride!
A feast for the three days of the writing of the Book of the Law.
A feast for Tahuti and the child of the Prophet – secret, O Prophet!
A feast for the Supreme Ritual, and a feast for the Equinox of the gods.
A feast for fire and a feast for water; a feast for life and a greater feast for death!
A feast every day in your hearts in the joy of my rapture!
A feast every night unto Nu, and the pleasure of uttermost delight!

A.L. II. 36-43.

Some stars fell from the orbit of the Prophet and some remained to shine bright unto the end – it is well that they are remembered purely for their devotion towards the Great Work. The list of Illuminated Brothers and Sisters may be reduced or extended in accordance to thy will.


Love is the law, love under will.

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